How EFS works

How EFS worksApplication assistanceHow FOAMPLUG worksforming instructionsPackaging and shippingDistribution

Equipment-less Foam Sealant™ or EFS™ works by expanding in a mine void to fill and adhere to the perimeter. Starting as a liquid, once mixed, the foam turns to a gel which can be poured into a hole, crack or void. The long gel time allows EFS™ to flow outwards, making good contact with the rock. Once it begins to rise, EFS™ both adheres to and interlocks with the surrounding rock.


Tech sheet

New user tips and Installation instructions will give you more information on how to open, mix and pour EFS™. Be sure and watch the videos too.

New user tips

EFS™ will work at any temperature above freezing. It does work best, however, under certain conditions. Review the recommendations for extreme installation conditions for tips on very hot, very cold and wet conditions.

Manufacturer recommendations for extreme weather installation

How strong is EFS™? Well, it has held up to 64,000 pounds! That works out to almost 5 psi on the wetted perimeter and very near the ultimate compressive strength. Also, due to the cohesion and friction with the surrounding rock, a foam shaft plug will retain two-thirds of its capacity AFTER failure!

Colorado School of Mines report

Strength vs density chart

Installation instructions

CO foam thickness table



"A" Component
"R" Component
Winter 2010
Fall 2010
"Foam Concepts is a principal supplier of PUF to the US Forest Service."
Foam Concepts LLC
4255 S. Eagleson Rd
Boise, ID 83705

Phone: 800.556.9641
Fax: 877.327.1196